5th Public Bond Issuance Program – PragmaGO SA

5th Public Bond Issuance Program

*forming part of the Base Prospectus for Secured Bonds and part of the Base Prospectus for Unsecured Bonds.
*forming part of the Base Prospectus for Unsecured Bonds.

The Offering Document for Unsecured Bonds, together with the Registration Document, constitute a base prospectus in the form of a set of documents of the Issuer, prepared in connection with the public offering and intention to apply for admission to trading on the regulated market of unsecured bonds issued under the Fifth Public Bond Issuance Program with an aggregate nominal value of not more than PLN 500,000,000. (“Base Prospectus for Unsecured Bonds”)
Terms and Conditions of Issuance of Unsecured Bonds Series D1EUR.
*forming part of the Base Prospectus for the Secured Bonds.

The Secured Bonds Offering Document, together with the Registration Document, constitute a base prospectus in the form of a set of documents of the Issuer, prepared in connection with the public offering and intention to apply for admission to trading on the regulated market of secured bonds issued under the Fifth Public Bond Issuance Program with an aggregate nominal value of not more than PLN 500,000,000 (the “Base Prospectus for Secured Bonds”)
Supplements to the Base Prospectus of the Secured Bonds:
Terms and Conditions of Issuance of Series D2 Secured Bonds