
We provide transparency to our customers, partners, bondholders and investors regarding our sustainability and environmental and social impact (ESG) activities.


We provide our clients, partners, bondholders and investors with transparency of information regarding sustainability and environmental and social impact (ESG) activities.

Responsibility for our environment,
or ESG activities

In 2023, we defined our area of influence and set ESG targets that are in line with our strategy and main task of supporting entrepreneurs in the SME sector.

A summary of the ESG activities we implemented in 2023:

Responsibility to society

Conduct True Loyalty Measure (TLM) surveys
Improve customer-facing communications according to plain language principles
Implementation of a new version of the Client Zone, which provides extensive opportunities to manage PragmaGO services online
Implementation of new version of website – simplification of information architecture
Conducting educational activities on corporate financial management
Implement a program to counter cyber risks
Credit risk management oriented to the security of customer operations
Conduct process analysis and improvement according to Customer Experience Management methodology
Mapping processes to optimize work efficiency
Regular dialogue with employees, including through periodic feedback and feedforward meetings
Create rules for hybrid work
Share Culture Book and Intranet
Conducting Mental Health Week (which included a webinar with an expert from the WellBee platform
Participation in PlatForm, a sports challenge
Participation in Poland Business Run
Subsidized private medical care and sports packages
Subsidy for English language learning
Launching the company’s library
Organization of specialized training courses
Regular support of foundations: Slowly Us, Ostoja4Łapy, Amazon.
Participation in cleaning up Katowice’s forest
Information transparency
Regular interest payments

Responsibility towards the environment

Increase the number of contracts signed electronically
Elimination of unnecessary paper consumption (digitalization of processes in factoring)
Waste recycling in offices
Introduction of automatic lighting

Responsible management and corporate governance

Complying with regulations to ensure effective management
of the enterprise.

ESG targets for 2024

Responsibility towards the environment

Maintain a fleet consisting exclusively of low-emission cars
Reducing business trips and travel, thanks to further digitization of services
Introducing green settings in printers
Year-round cooperation with the Forest Forever Foundation, in which we protect 1,176 square meters of old, biodiverse forest
Participation in the cleanup of the Krakow and Katowice forests
Reduce paper consumption through further digitization of services (including increased electronic signatures on assignment documents, contracts and addenda)
Conduct an educational campaign for employees in cooperation with the company
Introduction of containers for BIO waste

Responsibility to the community

Year-round foundation support: Amazon Association, Ostoja4łapy
Organization of a walk with dogs – wards of the Ostoja4łapy foundation
Participation in the “Poland Business Run,” a charity run from which funds are used to help people with disabilities

Equal opportunities and chances:

Aiming to equalize the coefficient of wage equality,
Develop a recruitment system that ensures gender equality,
publishing job offers in services dedicated to the activation of women in the labor market,
Creating a career path and clear rules for promotion, ensuring equal opportunities and chances.

Physical health promotion:

Organizing its own sports challenge (during which employees will collect points for physical activity),
Participation in the PlatForma sports challenge organized by our partner, the Platinum Financial network,
Co-organizing the “We collect charity kilometers” challenge with our partner Shoper’s team.

Mental Health Promotion:

“Appreciation” action (managers regularly provide positive, verbal, individual feedback within their teams),
Articles on rapid response to symptoms of depression (including on the occasion of “World Depression Day”),
World Health Day webinar.

Work-life balance:

Developing standards for remote and hybrid work,
Examine processes in teams to improve work efficiency (implement a system that will allow teams to bring initiatives, implement them and monitor them).
Further digitization of products
Optimization of User Experience solutions on and in the Customer Area
Creation of a “Pragmatic Entrepreneur Academy” in which we will educate business owners about financial services (in the form of webinars, online tutorial, newsletter, e-books)

Governance and corporate governance

Optimization of internal control system and implementation of ISO27001 and 23300 standards
Conducting feedback and feedforward
Education to delegate responsibility
Communication about ways to appreciate an employee – for effective motivation
Supplement documentation with policies against discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity
Implementation of a monitoring system for legislation in the area of sustainable development

Management of the ESG area
Strategic oversight of the ESG area has been assumed by Vice President Jacek Obrocki. His role is to oversee the implementation of ESG goals and their integration into operational, business and communication activities aimed at all stakeholder groups. The document that sets the principles of our sustainable activities is the Sustainability Policy.

Sustainability reports

ESG strategy


Media contact

Alicja Dyrszka

PR & Communication Manager

Tel +48 604 464 460